I’m honoured to be able to introduce our new WIMA World officers:
International President Zara Strange:
Zara has served the past 3 years as International Vice-President and during this time she took sole responsibility for organising the agenda and minutes of the ICNP meetings. In addition, she organised all our old agenda records, minutes and other archived documents that my predecessor, Claudia Fehrer, handed over. It is all nice and tidy on WIMA’s cloud space, available to all National Presidents. Her contributions to our meetings and discussions, and her advice, have been invaluable. Those who know Zara will know that she has a warm heart, a clear head, and is dedicated to WIMA and women’s motorcycling – it’s no surprise that she was recognised with the Ellen Pfeiffer Award a couple of years back. I know that she will lead us well and I’m excited about WIMA’s future!
International Vice-President Mihaela Hodivoianu:
Mihaela is the founder of WIMA Romania, one of our younger divisions at only 3 years old, but already thriving, well-established and extremely active with get-togethers and projects running throughout the year. Mihaela has also dedicated a great length of time to the difficult task of updating our constitution. We are delighted to have such an energetic and skilled woman as IVP.
PR Officer Liv Seuring:
Liv is known from her role as an admin in the WRWR, an achievement for which we awarded her honorary lifetime membership in WIMA. Among other things, she was working with PR and she has lots of ideas to take with her to her new role in WIMA. We are thrilled to have someone with her experience and skillset in our team!
PR Officer Léa Schaetzlé:
Léa is one of our newer members and fully passionate about WIMA. She works with PR professionally and she is multi lingual – we look forward to seeing her working with Liv in what is a fast-moving and challenging area.
Onwards and upwards,
Åsa, former IP, now “just” a member 🙂