Current divisions

flag of Australia
flag of Austria
flag of Bangladesh
flag of Belgium
flag of Bulgaria
flag of Canada
flag of Curaçao
flag of Denmark
flag of Estonia
flag of Finland
flag of France
flag of Germany
flag of Ghana
flag of the United Kingdom
flag of Iceland
flag of India
flag of India
flag of Japan
flag of South Korea
flag of Liechtenstein
flag of Lithuania
flag of Luxembourg
flag of Malaysia
flag of Mexico
flag of Morocco
flag of Nepal
flag of the Netherlands
flag of New Zealand
flag of Nicaragua
flag of Norway
flag of Pakistan
flag of Poland
flag of Poland
flag of Sweden
flag of Switzerland
flag of Thailand
flag of the UAE
flag of the United States of America

WIMA Divisions map courtesy Caroline Lunnon of WIMA GB.

Introductions of the groups


AUSTRALIAflag of Australia

National President Australia

WIMA Australia was there at the beginning – Hazel Mayes of Sydney was invited by founder Louise Sherbyn to become the first international member of WIMA. Hazel owned a BSA but was well known in central Sydney as the pilot of the Harley “buntruck” provided by her employer. Very little is known about WIMA from the mid-fifties until it seems to have faded away in the late sixties or early seventies.

In 1985 WIMA Australia was reborn in Adelaide under the leadership of Linda Bootherstone. The National President and Committee are elected at the Annual General Meeting, held in a different State each year, to acknowledge the national nature of our membership. A quarterly newsletter, ride calendar, mid-winter dinner and members welcome to attend quarterly committee meetings means an active membership. Hazel Mayes was an honoured guest at WIMA’s 50th birthday celebration, held at Kiama, Sydney in April 2000.

International Rallies in Australia:
2000 Kiama (50th Anniversary Rally – Southern hemisphere).
The 2015 WIMA International Rally was held at Phillip Island. Many WIMA members had the opportunity to work as volunteers at the Moto GP prior to the rally.

Kathy O’Donnell — National President WIMA Australia
Email: aunty.ratbag5 {AT}
FB Page: WIMA Australia



AUSTRIAflag of Austria

Chris-Maria Baumer

WIMA Austria has been a WIMA-Division, continuously since 1996, although they did briefly join in the 1960’s, disbanding a few years later. Austria currently has 23 members.

These are a group of diverse women in every aspect, young-old, beginner-pro, chatty-silent, worker-manager, fast slow, exciting-cautious, funny-grumpy, gay-hetero, etc. You name it! What is their common ground? All the women love to ride motorcycles and to have a good talk about their adventures during tours and rallies.

They are a very active group. They organize ride-outs, including on our WIMA day in May, they have the D.A.CH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) meeting every year which is a national meeting with guests from neighboring countries. They also have their Ladiescamp event which is a season’s end ride and monthly Stammtisch (a friendly, round table meeting) in Vienna and of course they join the official International WIMA Rally. Sometimes they also have a Christmas ride.

If you are a woman and interested in any type of motorcycling, no matter how novice or expert you are, including road or off-road, take a leap of faith; you will find your home in WIMA-Austria.

Chris-Maria Baumer — National President WIMA Austria
Email: president {AT} or info {AT}
Instagram: Wima-Austria (@wima_austria)



BANGLADESHflag of Bangladesh

National President Bangladesh

Bangladesh Women Riders Club, BWRC, was founded by Israt Khan Mojlish and started its journey in 2013 with only two members. It’s the first and only women riders club in Bangladesh. It became WIMA Bangladesh in July 2016. It is dedicated to all women who ride and to those who are inspired to learn. We truly admire and pay homage to the pioneer women riders of yester year who came before us and had to overcome so many obstacles in order to ride.

We are also working towards the realization of women’s empowerment and gender equality — protecting our rights and improving the lives of women and girls on the ground. We have worked with ActionAid for “16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence” and we donate to support underprivileged children. We introduced SADP (Sexual Assault Defensive Program) in Bangladesh and organized the first workshop on SADP where many women took part and learned the techniques.

Israt Khan Mojlish — National President WIMA Bangladesh
Email: ikhanmojlish {AT}
FB page: FB page: WIMA Bangladesh



BELGIUMflag of Belgium

National President Belgium

The Belgian Amazone Motorclub (BAM) was founded in 1992 by four women bikers, as a result of the first women-only-ride ever held in Belgium, the Amazon Run. Since that time the club has grown and shrunk, with the amount of members varying from 25 to 100. Currently we have 65 regularly riding members dispersed all over Belgium. Very recently, as a direct result of the Women Riders World Relay (WRWR) in 2019-2020 — very much to our delight — several riders of the French speaking part of Belgium joined.

BAM connected to the international motorbike scene via the Dutch WIMAs and became WIMA/BAM-Belgium in 1997. During the first ten years, we continued to organise the annual Amazon Run. Now we focus on day rides in all parts of the country, weekends, sometimes in neighboring countries such as France, Luxemburg and Germany, and motorcycle riding courses, either with official instructors or with our best riders, to improve the much-needed safety in the increasingly hectic traffic and to improve sheer riding skills, either on or off-road, on public roads or closed tracks. We also organize First Aid courses, GPS and mechanic courses. Above all, these trainings are always FUN!

All members actively encourage women who want to start riding to grab to the handlebars themselves, an attitude bringing us many new enthusiastic members each year. We are proud to host a very diverse group of novice and very experienced riders, very diverse in age and profession, from all walks of life, riding all types and brands of bikes. Quite a few of our members travel extensively by motorcycle, either inside or outside Europe, thus widening the horizons of our community with the stories they bring back.

WIMA/BAM-Belgium believes in an open and curious attitude towards the world, a healthy sense of adventure (within everyone’s personal comfort zone) and a tolerant and pluralistic perspective on life, based on respect for each other’s views and limitations. Racism, homophobia, sexism or any other kind of discriminatory behavior is not tolerated within our club: everyone is welcome!

Hilde Wauters — National President WIMA/BAM Belgium
Email: amazonewimabam {AT}
FB page: WIMA Belgium – Amazone Wima-bam


BULGARIAflag of Bu;garia

National President Bulgaria

WIMA Bulgaria was initially set up in 2015 after Violeta Ivanova travelled to the international WIMA rally in Sweden but the division has had a slow start as Violeta unexpectedly had to move to France. After 6 years she is back in Bulgaria and more motivated than ever.

In WIMA Bulgaria, our aim is to provide women riders with knowledge, skills, a supportive environment of likeminded friends and meaningful causes. And, of course, to build a network of female riders around the world, that is the main advantage for our members here. To date WIMA Bulgaria has 24 members and we are growing daily. We have a lot of activities planned, such as training days and celebration of International WIMA Day and International Female Ride Day. This year, Bulgaria will take a part in Pétrolettes Rally for the first time – and WIMA Bulgaria is the leading organisation for it.

Our slogan is “We can”, because Bulgarian the abbreviation WIMA is МОЖЕМ and the meaning is a wordplay of “we can”.

Violeta Ivanova — National President WIMA Bulgaria
Email: violeta.ivanova1111 {AT}
FB page: WIMA Bulgaria
FB Discussion Group Open for prospect members
FB Group closed to members only
Instagram: WIMA Bulgaria


Canadaflag of Canada

National President Sue Bossley launches a newly revitalised WIMA Canada in April 2024.

Sue is looking for regional representatives and new members to help her grow this national division that has, for the past few years, been ably looked after by Michelle Lamphere and the management committee of WIMA USA.


Sue Bossley — National President WIMA Canada
Email: sbossley {AT}


CURAÇAOflag of Curaçao

National President Curacao

WIMA Curaçao was founded December 2011 and consists of a small group of very enthusiastic female motorcyclists. We are ‘the lucky ones’, being able to ride from beach to beach throughout the year, living in a tropical climate on the island of Curaçao. In the rainy period we prefer to leave our motorcycles at home, because the roads can get rather slippery. Most of the time however, the sun is shining and we need to put on sun-lotion or ride in the early morning or late afternoon not to get a sunburn! We organised the 1st ever Caribbean WIMA International rally in April 2019 and are proud of having hosted 96 participants. Riding is fun and we are forever looking forward to more.

Rita Koopmanschap — National President WIMA Curaçao
Email: wimacuracao {AT}
FB page: WIMA Curaçao
Instagram: WIMA Curaçao @wimacuracao


DENMARKflag of Denmark

National President DenmarkMy name is Cindie Johannesson, I am former vice president of WIMA Denmark, 42 years old, mother of a 19-year-old daughter and a 17-year-old son. I been driving motorcycle since 2008, right now I ride a Kawasaki er6n, I am a very dedicated motorcyclist, I ride as much I can, in the season here in Denmark, I ride at work, shopping, famil

y visits, you name it. I often initiates motorcycle excursion, visit motorcycle clubs, participate in motorcycle treffen, motorcycle camping and motorcycle vacations.

I am very enthusiastic, keen and committed to getting WIMA Denmark to bring

together the Danish motorcycle women in a community that we can create across the country, as well as to represent WIMA Denmark in our international community.

Want to be part of WIMA Denmark? Here is a chance to be there from the start and build the organization. The winter is for planning, spring is coming soon, join WIMA Denmark on Facebook and plan exciting activities for next season!

Cindie Johannesson — National President WIMA Denmark
Email: goggen30 {AT}
FB page: WIMA Denmark

ESTONIAflag of Estonia

Maris Varik

WIMA Estonia division was officially registered in 2000 in Tallinn, Estonia.

Our group consists of women from various fields of activities driving various bikes. We have a regular WIMA meeting once a month and we attend bigger and smaller biker events around the year. Since 2012, in the beginning of each season, WIMA Estonia has organised an event for female bikers only. These events concentrate on safety and have always a fun element, too.

To promote riding we have several competitions for our members. In the end of a season we award members having covered longest total distance, having longest riding season and the most active member participating in events. Our most popular contest is called Ride-Enjoy-Win. It is a photo hunt game where the winner gathers most points by taking photos in certain locations all over Estonia with as many fellow members as possible.

WIMA Estonia is actively involved in organising bigger rallies in Estonia like Jogevatreff (an annual international motorcycle rally) and many others. Our members were also in the organising team of FIM Moto Camp in 2001 and FIM Rally in 2005.

Charity is close to our hearts as well – we support Children Center Lighthouse which takes care of children from less fortunate families. Once a month we cook or do different activities with those children and also support the Center with donations.

International Rallies in Estonia: 2017 in Jäneda

Mari Varik — National President WIMA Estonia
Email: president {AT} or ave {AT} or madlike75 {AT}
FB page: WIMA Estonia
Instagram: WIMA Estonia (@wimaestonia)


FINLANDflag of Finland

The Ladies Bike Club was founded in 1993 and became a member of WIMA in 1997. Today, the club is called Ladies Bike Club/WIMA Finland and has almost 300 members.

The club provides a community for women who share a passion for motorcycling. We organize rides, events, and riding trainings around Finland. There are both local activities and nationwide gatherings. The Finnish summer is short, and the most active season for the club is from May to September. There are some gatherings in wintertime too, but unfortunately without motorbikes.
There have been four international WIMA Rallies in Finland (1973 in Pihtipudas, 2000 in Iisalmi, 2008 in Ristiina, and 2018 in Parainen), and the next WIMA Rally in Finland will take place in the beautiful wilderness of the Arctic Circle in 2028. We hope to meet many WIMAs there!

Nina Brigatti — National President
Email: president {AT}
FB page: WIMA Finland – Ladies’ Bike Club
Instagram: WIMA Finland-Ladies’ bike club (@wima_finland)


FRANCEflag of France

WIMA France was initiated by Agnès Acker in the 1950s. The first international rally took place in Lorraine in 1970, then in Alsace 1990 and in the Alps in 2023. Our doyenne, Chantal Hertrich, has been heavily involved in this association since 1985.

From 1974, WIMA France hosted several national rallies as well as the “Drei Länder Treffen”, meetings of the three countries of France, Germany and Switzerland. In 2023, WIMA France will have no less than 95 members across the country.

Since 2017, Wima France has been organized into regions (West, South-East, North, etc.) which allows a local gathering of members from the region for a weekend. These gatherings are open to all WIMAs, of all types, from France and the world who wish to participate.

WIMA France also participated in 2 appearances at the WRWR (Women Riders World Relay) in 2019, which made WIMA France known and brought in new members. The key word of the WRWR is: “be adventurous, be courageous, be excited, be united!” Which also represents the values of WIMA France.

Colline de Rancourt — National President
Email: france.wima{AT}


GERMANYflag of Germany

National President Germany

WIMA Germany was founded by Ellen Pfeiffer back in 1958 and today we have about 350 active members. Our National Presidents were Ellen Pfeiffer (1958-1983) – Floh Petit (1983-2002) and Verena Reindl (2002-2019). Current President since 2019 is Susi Metzner.
International Rallies in Germany: 2007 Thüringen, 1992 Berlin, 1986 Vogelsberg, 1981 Buseck-Oppenrod, 1971 Kassel, 1968 Drees, 1965 Oberreifenberg, 1964 An der Wasserkuppe, 1961 Nürburgring, 1959 Nürburgring. Germany also organized the European Rallies in Lignano (Italy, 2009) and Tirol (Austria, 1999). The 2020 Rallye in Wilnsdorf had to be cancelled due to Corona.

Susi Metzner — National President WIMA Germany
Email: president {AT}
FB page: WIMA Germany
Instagram: WIMA Germany (@wima_germany)
YouTube: Team WIMA Germany – YouTube


GHANAflag of Ghana

National President Ghana

Ghana joined the WIMA sisterhood in January 2021. The national president is Cathie Lajide, known in the biking community as Firefly. She has been riding motorcycles since 2015 and she has an impressive track record. She is the first Ghanaian and Female Biker to receive the Nigerian’s Tough Tourer’s award and celebrated as the longest distance rider to both ROAD ROAR and CALABAR FESTIVAL.

Cathie is also the founder of the first all-female motorcycle club in Ghana, Blueflame MC, and together with the female bikers in Accra and support of the biking community in Ghana launched the Ghana Chapter of Female Bikers Initiative (FBi) a charitable initiative created for the awareness creation and screening of women for breast and cervical cancer – first event took place in August 2019 where about 100 women were screened.

Ghana is the country with the second largest number of female bikers in West Africa and with WIMA’ s presence in Ghana, this is bound to encourage neighboring countries to learn more about WIMA and hopefully, join the sisterhood.

Cathie Lajide — National President WIMA Ghana
Email: Catherine.lajide {AT}
FB page: Cathie Lajide


GREAT BRITAINflag of the United Kingdom

Acting President Great Britain

The National Division started up in the early 1950s and had its first Rally (with 8 attendees) in 1956. Currently around 190 members and growing rapidly.

GB has a lively monthly newsletter, an annual national rally, and many short breaks (usually weekends) which include off-road training, skills training, chill and relax days with friends, and visits to motorcycle shows around the country, where we sometimes have a stand.

Most areas have local events and rides throughout the year. International Rallies in Great Britain: 2019 Castleton, 2011 Lancaster, 2003 Dorset, 1994 Usk/Wales, 1990 Wiltshire (40th Anniversary rally), 1987 Ashbourne, 1982 Fort William/Scotland, 1978 Llanfelte Farm/Wales.

Sian Davis — Acting National President
Email: president {AT}
FB page: WIMA GB
Instagram: WIMA GB (


ICELANDflag of Iceland

WIMA Iceland was formed in 2022 by Sæbjörg Sylvía Kristinsdóttir.

In October 2024 Dagrún Jónsdóttir took over that lead and was appointed their new National President.

Dagrún is a 53-year-old Icelandic woman who started riding motorcycles when she was 20 years old and has ridden ever since.  She was for a long time very active in fighting for motorcyclist’s rights through the Motorcycle Association in Iceland (Sniglar) and the Antique Bike Club (Gamlingjar). She was President of the Antique Bike Club for 19 years.  She was in a traffic safety committee for the Icelandic government, has organised many motorcycle rallies over the years and was one of the founders of HDc Ice. She has worked for motorcyclists in one way or another since the day she started riding.

Her main interests are traveling on bikes and restoring them.  She has travelled over most of the roads in Iceland, some European routes and in 2017 she took a 6-month trip in the USA, riding 30.000 km.  Dagrún has built and restored many old bikes. She has already built and restored 7 old Harley-Davidson and some Triumphs and Japanese bikes.

Her life is more or less all about motorcycles.

Dagrún Jónsdóttir — National President WIMA Iceland
Email: wimaiceland{AT}


INDIAflag of India

National President India

Namastey from the land of mystery and diversity! WIMA India is the youngest member of the WIMA Global family. As WIMA-India, it is our endeavor to provide a nondiscriminatory and impartial platform to women motorcyclists in the country, irrespective of their caste, creed or the bikes they ride. Our aim is to build a community of women riders who respect and support each other. We will always encourage women from different groups and associations to join WIMA-India and be a part of the global community. Our motto, which also stands true for our magnificent country is ‘Unity in Diversity.’

Anita Krishnan – National President WIMA India
Email: wimaindiachapter {AT}
FB page: WIMA India
Instagram: WIMAINDIA (@wimaindia)


ITALYflag of India

National President Italy

Founded by Rosaria Fiorentino, WIMA Italy joined the sisterhood in the autumn 2020. Although still in its early stages, they have 44 members to date and numbers are steadily growing. Rosaria is experienced in organising motorcycle events, since 2015 she has been the host of Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride for Rome, and in 2016 she formed the national women’s group Donne Special – a casual group without any obligations, just the pleasure to be together. Donne Special is about the special woman that decided to jump on a bike to change her life, to live in a different world on her own terms. In addition, she hosts a women’s event called Babes Great Escape and she was the co-organizer of the Italian section of the Women Riders World Relay.

Rosaria Fiorentino— National President
E-Mail: soraia {AT}
FB page: WIMA Italy
FB page: DonneSpecial
FB page: Babes Great Escape
FB Group: Donne Special Mitocicliste
Instagram: Donne Special (@donne-special)
Instagram: babesgreatescape


JAPANflag of Japan

National President Japan

WIMA Japan has been launched in April 1996 during 27 members of WIMA from various European countries visited Japan to introduce WIMA to this country. It is one of several women’s bike clubs but the only international one in Japan.

Currently we have about 40 members and get together at the occasions of semi-annual national meetings in spring and autumn. Many members now regularly participate in WIMA International Rallies.

In 2010, WIMA Japan successfully hosted an International Rally for the first time at the foot of Mt. Fuji.

WIMA Japan would love to hear from anybody who is interested in us or traveling to Japan.

Mariko Shibata — National President WIMA Japan
Email: info {AT}
FB Page: Mariko Shibata


KOREAflag of South Korea

National President Korea

Korea is one of the leading countries in Asia located next to Japan. Korea is well known for its culture, art, sports, etc. to the foreigners in the world as well as a touring place. Mountains, beaches, rivers, and fields are well mixed, and four seasons are also very well divided in Korea. Korea is a country that has beautiful nature. It’s possible to enjoy the nature in different tastes due to the various seasons. There are clean and curved highways throughout the country which enable the riders to enjoy the riding.

There are over 80,000 riders who ride for leisure or hobby. And the number of female riders has increased dramatically recently. WIMA Korea has been running steadily and stably well with the efforts of its early members when it was established.

Now we have about 175 members (25 international activities) in Korean division. And 3 of them are the staff.
Although not many of us have attended the international rallies yet, we look forward to the day when we will be with WIMA friends.

Judy Kim – National President
Soo Jin Yoon – Treasurer
Min Kyung Jung – Tour Organizer
Email: lovelyjudykim {AT}


LIECHTENSTEINflag of Liechtenstein

National President Liechtenstein

The idea of WIMA Liechtenstein was born during the Women Riders World Relay in 2019. After a successful relay, the founding team, Sonja Grass, Sabine Warwas and Claudia Fehrer started planning for the set-up of this division, which was voted in to WIMA World in the autumn of 2020. The membership numbers are currently 21 and steadily growing as the plans for the future unfold and more events can be planned.

The founding of a WIMA division is of great importance for Liechtenstein. There are so many women riders around in our small country, and the goals of WIMA Liechtenstein are to create a stronger community and give opportunities for female riders with similar interests to meet. Being a part of WIMA is a way of making new friends from abroad, especially from our neighboring countries Austria and Switzerland, organizing trips through the Alps and paying visits to international friends – all in all a fantastic vision of international ideas.

Sonja Grass-Jeeves – National President
Email: wimaliechtenstein {AT}
FB group:


LITHUANIAflag of Lithuania

WIMA Lithuania was founded in October 2018 following a personal meeting with WIMA International President Åsa Öhqvist and founder Evelina Žičkienė in Trakai.

We really wanted to become a part of this worldwide women rider’s community so that we could feel stronger and strengthen women’s support internationally. We saw the huge opportunity for sharing the information about safety in the field of riding motorcycles – about the proper preparation for new motorcyclists, about safe travelling, etc. Although we haven’t initiated any international projects yet, we’re feeling quite confident and secure that we are in a bigger community than just ourselves. In addition, we are happy that we have wider opportunities to travel and meet with our soul sisters in a lot of countries!

Our activities and get-togethers are mainly casual. Mostly we communicate, support each other and generate ideas online. We meet and ride together when it suits us. We just love the idea that we are free, all equal, that we don’t have any particular duties for this organization and can just enjoy life and our friendship and implement some projects that we want. For example, we supported Moterų Pagalbos Linija (Women Help Hotline) in Lithuania.

Jurgita Matutienė – National President
E-mail: wimalietuva {AT}
Instagram: WIMA Lithuania (@wimalithuania)


LUXEMBOURGflag of Luxembourg

National President Luxembourg

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg sits between Belgium, Germany and France and is brimming with beautiful twisty roads in mint condition. It attracts riders from all over Europe and although we are a lilliput nation – you will not be disappointed by the beauty of our country and the hospitality of the WIMA ladies here. We work closely with our WIMA sisters in Belgium and have so much we want to share with you whether you want to join WIMA Luxembourg or if you are just passing through -so don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Ann Kathrine Kayser Hansen – National President
Email: wimaluxembourg {AT}
FB page: WIMA Luxembourg Group
Instagram: WIMA Luxembourg (@wimaluxembourg)


MALAYSIAflag of Malaysia

National President Malaysia

Malaysia is situated in South East Asia and are known for our beaches, rainforests, foods, sports and mix of Malay, Chinese, Indian and European cultural influences. We have a consistent hot and humid weather all year-round, interspersed with tropical rain showers. But no rider is a true rider unless you boldly and gracefully march through the falling raindrops.

WIMA Malaysia consist of a small group of 45 lady riders with mixed class of bikes and model ranging from 125cc to 1400cc. Some WIMA members are also a member of other active lady biker groups. There is no limitation for everybody to join any other group as long as we ladies remain united and supportive to each other. Our FB page is Women International Motorcycle Association Malaysia. WIMA Malaysia would like to hear and welcome anybody who is interested to come and visit Malaysia. There are clean straight highways and curved roads as well as off-roads throughout the country which enable riders to experience and enjoy the kind of riding they prefer. Speed is not our priority and our primary is to enjoy the whole of the ride and reach the destination safely.

Lets go riding together into the winds!

Solo Arrya — National President
Email: solosbs7444 {AT}
FB page: WIMA Malaysia


MEXICOflag of Malaysia

National President Mexico

WIMA Mexico was founded in 2020 by Angélica Garduño and is the first division in Central America. This is what she says about WIMA and why she wanted to join:

WIMA, for us, is old and strong, like a wise grandma. It’s a representation of a global movement that speaks of unity and value among women.

We definitely benefit as women bikers from being a part of WIMA, because it contributes to projecting the loud message that women are independent and free to choose whatever lifestyle we want and that we are not weak or wrong, and most important of all… we are many and not alone.

Angélica and the founding members of WIMA Mexico are all part of the club Ninfas Guerreras, which was founded in 2004. Back then, there were only Men Moto Clubs in Mexico and therefore we’re very proud of having founded our own club – it was a big deal, since at that time there was a lot of sexism in Mexican motorcycling.

We welcome all women that want to belong, share their experience and create a strong network of friends who share the same hobby all over the world.

We believe a woman is an amazing being and women together… reach for the impossible. Our motto is: Mujer motociclista, mujer sin fronteras which means woman motorcyclist, woman without borders.

Angelica Garduňo— National President WIMA Mexico
Email: angardnor {AT} and wimamexico {AT}
Website: WimaMexico (in the making)
FB page: WIMA México
Instagram: Wima Mexico (@wimamexico)


MOROCCOflag of Morocco

National President Morocco

Miss Moto Moroc was founded in 2011 by Dalila Mosbah and is the first women only motorcycle club in Morocco. In 2019, we became part of the WIMA World sisterhood as Miss Moto Moroc/WIMA Morrocco. We are happy and honoured to be part of the great international association that is WIMA.

It is important for us Moroccans to be a member of WIMA World and to see our flag appear among 40 countries, it gives an important image to Moroccan women. Riding a motorcycle and crossing regions in any condition is a challenge that very few women can do. I have always encouraged Moroccan women to take up this challenge. WIMA Morrocco is quite an international group itself, I have in my association a Japanese, two French, a Tunisian and I, myself, am Tunisian Moroccan. I was Franco Tunisian, but I had to give up my French nationality to obtain Moroccan. We do a lot of motorcycle activities and have friendly links with other clubs. They ask us to organise events and ride outs, we do something about once a month in the company of other male clubs who like to ride with us. We also have members who are married, and their husbands accompany us on rides.

I have been organising an important rally called March Moto Madness International Worldwide Adventure Rally since 2011. Unfortunately, the ninth rally in March 2020 could not be held because of the pandemic but it will hopefully take place this year in June. I am currently in preparation for another rally in September, the Chaouen WIMA Morocco rally in the city of Chefchaouen. If it becomes successful, as I hope it will, I will propose it to WIMA World to be an official rally.

Our slogan is “ghamir aw ghadir”, which means “join the adventure or leave” in Arabic.

Dalila Mosbah – National President
Email: mosbahdalila {AT}
Instagram page: MISS MOTO MAROC WIMA MOROCCO (@wimamorocco)


NEPALflag of Nepal

National President Nepal

WIMA Nepal will be a total independent organization that will only work for women and motorcycling.

Whereas, Women in Sports & Adventure will work for general activity including women empowerment, adventure related activities.

Sunita Deshar – National President
Email: wimanepal {AT}
FB page: WIMA Nepal
Instagram: WIMA Nepal (@wima_nepal)


NETHERLANDSflag of the Netherlands

National President Netherlands

Dutch WIMA started officially in 1981 and has 80 members. We have organised several International Rallies. We will host the International Rally in 2021 in Grolloo, the Netherlands. Throughout the year all sorts of local activities are hosted by members at home. We call them TB, in Dutch “thuisbijeenkomsten”. In English: Home meetings. In April, we have our Open Weekend, also for women who are not a member (yet). In May and September WIMA NL we meet at WIMA-weekends. These camping weekends take place in the Netherlands or in a neighbour country, like Germany, Belgium or Luxembourg. Each January, we have a Winter weekend, This gives all members the chance to see each other also in winter. Our annual Autumn walk is another opportunity to chat and laugh. There is a large group of very active and enthusiastic members, who visit the several activities and help organising. We have an annual official meeting (AGM) once a year in March. The digital newsletter is published 6 times a year. We have a website and a facebook page and we make our first steps on Instagram. And members do get their information through mail. Our members visit the international Rally’s if possible. Depending on the location, about 25 members go. And always have a good time. International Rallies in Netherlands: 2010 Markelo (European Meeting), 2004 Borculo, 1997 Heythuysen, 1989 Eiland van Maurik, 1983 Spaarnwoude, 1966 Aalst, 1963 Scheveningen, 1960 Scheveningen, 1958 Scheveningen. The International Rally 2021 in Grolloo is on it’s way. Our member with the longest membership is Géke Sieben. She became a member in June 1981 and she still is. Since 2011, she is our member of honour!

Sandra Ilbrink — National President
Email: silbrink {AT}
Instagram: WIMA Nederland (@wimanederland)


NEW ZEALANDflag of New Zealand

New Zealand Contact

A bit about myself: I have been a WIMA NZ member since 1984 & my membership number is 10. Over the years I have held a number of position within WIMA. I started riding in 1983 and the longest time I haven’t ridden for was 4 months after shoulder surgery in November 2018.

WIMA Australasian Division was run from Rotorua in the 50’s. WIMA NZ in its current form started in 1984. Each member keeps her number for life, so there are about 800+ members over the last 36 years. Currently there are only the life members. New Zealand has struggled to grow members and the only current active area is Wellington with monthly meetings & we regularly join local rides with other groups.

New Zealand (Aoteoroa) consists of three Island the North the south and Stewart Island we also have small islands off all our coasts. We are blessed with fanatic motorcycling roads & beautiful scenery and a climate that lets use ride all year round if you dress for the conditions.

New Zealand has hosted a WIMA world rally in 2005 in Taupo.

Viv Green– National President
Email: {AT}


NICARAGUAflag of Nicaragua

Nicaragua Contact

WIMA Nicaragua joined in 2020 and is our 39th division and the second division in Central America after Mexico. Yolanda Acuña, the founder and National President first heard about WIMA from a good friend, the finish WIMA member Sonja Hellsten, and through her the connection to WIMA sisterhood was made. Yolanda works for an organization called Project Miriam whose objectives are to contribute to the integral development of women’s right to education and a life free of violence. Yolanda and her team aim to motivate and encourage women to ride motorcycles and thereby break the traditional belief that women should not ride.

WIMA Nicaragua held their first tour on the third of January 2021, a ride out to a nature reserve, which was a very beautiful and motivating experience. WIMA Nicaragua already have 10 members, with their goal to continue to grow.

Yolanda Acuña – National President WIMA Nicaragua
Email: yoliesteli {AT}
FB page: Yolanda Acuna


NORWAYflag of Norway

National Presidents Norway

WIMA Norway was founded in 2019 by Eli Johanne Stene and Emilija Kostovska who were the ambassadors for the Norwegian route of the Women Riders World Relay the same year.

The international relay gathered almost 3000 Norwegian female motorcyclists on the facebook-event, and were a massive opportunity to get organized. Eli is still the President of the Norwegian division, while Emilija has chosen to step down. Anette Sundsbak has replaced her, but as vice president.

Only during the first year, WIMA Norway managed to consolidate a board with board members all across the long spread country, build the organization and host several events. Rapidly increasing numbers of paying members, made us capable of hosting even more events, and expand the variety of courses, training, lectures and social gatherings. Within the first year, the members counted over 300.

Leaping into year three, Norway has divisions situated in ten cities, with according crews and online-chats for planned and spontaneous trips.

Eli Stene – National President
Email: ej-stene {AT}
FB group: WIMA Norway
Instagram: Wima Norway (@wimanorway)


PAKISTANflag of Pakistan

National Presidents Pakistan

Nowadays, conditions are getting better in Pakistan after our new President Mr. Imran Khan. In Pakistan it is not very usual for girls to ride bikes in streets but now the situation is changing. Approximately there will be 100+ girls’ bikers in Pakistan. In Pakistan, there is not even a single international motorbiking brand so usually girls rode 70CC Motorbike of Honda or 125 CC Yamaha or Suzuki. But the situation is changing, girls start doing rides on weekends and rallies and also touring trips until north and south of Pakistan.

It’s still not safe to travel as a woman alone in Pakistan due to the Typical Thinking of men. Girls faced a lot of Criticism from their Family and friends when they decided to learn and ride bikes in Pakistan For going to University or Buying groceries even.

After a decade finally because of WIMA Pakistan it opens international doors for Pakistani Biker Girls and Gave them motivation and inspiration to Break Stereotypes and be able to join International Rallies and Events.

Guliafshan Tariq – National President
Email: infoguliafshantariq {AT}
FB page: WIMA Pakistan


POLANDflag of Poland

National President Poland

WIMA Poland was officially approved by National Presidents during WIMA Japan Rally, on 29th of April 2010. Our main goal was and always be – just ride. We do believe that riding across our own country and whole world is the best thing that we can do in order to see new places, meet new girls and share our passion with them. It makes us happy and we really enjoy it.

Maura Raniecka – National President
Email: maura_r {AT} yahoo (dot) com
FB page: WIMA Poland


ROMANIAflag of Romania

National President Romania

Founded in 2017, WIMA Romania now counts over 100 active members.

Our mission is to build an inspirational environment for women who share the same intense passion for motorcycling, growing together into a strong community of long-distance, commuters, day-to-day or weekend riders.

Being a part of WIMA Romania is all about learning to give back and grow. We strongly promote the advantages of motorcycling as a lifestyle. We rode together on various occasions, which offered us the most enriching and inspiring experiences, therefore we do our best to keep on organizing as many trips and events as possible to enhance this spirit amongst female riders.

Mihaela Hodivoianu – National President
Email: wimaromania {AT}
FB page: WIMA Romania
Instagram: WIMA Romania (@wimaromania)
YouTube: WIMA Romania – YouTube


SWEDENflag of Sweden

National President Sweden

WIMA Sweden started around 1960 and has around 50 members. They hold spring and autumn meetings.

International Rallies in Sweden: 2015 Sundet, 2005 Sjöröd, 1995 Morokulien, 1985 Gålö, 1975 Omberg.

Carola Palmqvist — National President WIMA Sweden
Email: president {AT}
FB page: Wima Sweden


SWITZERLANDflag of Switzerland

National President Switzerland

Founded in 1978, WIMA Switzerland now has 72 members and has organised several International Rallies.

International Rallies in Switzerland: 2022 Melchtal, 2013 Val de Travers, 2006 Hoch Ybring, 1998 Les Tuileries-de-Grandson, 1991 Steinen, 1984 Morbio-Superiore, 1980 Bumbach, 1976 Yverdon.

Eva Streuli– National President
Email: hello {AT}
FB page: WIMA Switzerland
Instagram: WIMA_Switzerland (@wima_switzerland)


UKRAINEflag of Ukraine

National President of Ukraine

My name is Alena Puhovaya and I’m the founder of WIMA Ukraine. I’ve been riding motorcycles since 2006 and during these years I have been trusted with some important tasks, including being the director of a Ukrainian Association of Motorcyclists, UAM, and the Ukrainian ambassador during the Women’s Riders World Relay in Ukraine. I’m also a member of the Ukrainian organization Motohelp, a medical support organisation for motorcyclists on the road.

In Ukraine about 5-7% of the bikers are moto ladies and we ride with great pleasure, to get to work, to meet with friends, for leisure, travelling. We ride all types of motorcycles: adventure touring bikes, choppers, cruisers, dirt bikes, naked bikes, sport bikes etc.

However, in our country women do not have their own communities. Mostly, moto ladies are independent bikers. There are some groups in Ukraine: Lady of Harley, Cherries Community and some small moto clubs with less than 5 members. Very often, moto ladies are members of men’s mmc and mfc moto clubs. This is why I applied to set up WIMA Ukraine. I wanted to provide a platform for all Ukrainian moto ladies and create something more powerful than just a moto club.

WIMA Ukraine is just in it’s early days. It was established in 2020, during the pandemic, and therefore we have not yet been able to hold many events but we have great plans for the future.

Our logo means my road is without a beginning and without an end, which leads to WIMA.

Alena Puhovaya– National President
Email: gardinivka {AT}
FB page: Alena Puhovaya (Garnadivka)


UAEflag of the United Arab Emirates

National President UAE

WIMA International is delighted to announce that WIMA UAE is back up and running again with Katrina Corcoran as the new National President.
Katrina began riding when she resigned from teaching after 13 years in the classroom. Riding completely changed her life, she has ridden from Chicago to the Arctic Ocean in Canada, from Chicago all the way to Buenos Aires, Argentina, through several National Parks in the United States and along much of Route 66 as well as through the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and into Oman.
Katrina tells us that “If I can reactivate WIMA UAE, I believe it would be a great umbrella to unite women riders of all riding styles in the UAE, a wish I have had from the moment I began riding. Additionally, I spoke to women in the USA and Canada about visiting UAE to ride and it would be a wonderful opportunity to organize an international women’s riding event in UAE through WIMA.”
Katrina Corcoran– National President
Email: wima.uae {AT}

USAflag of the United States of America

National President USA

WIMA was originally founded in America by Louise Scherbyn in 1950. There are currently 500 active members in our division. We host one national rally (the third weekend of September) as well as various regional events across the USA each year.

WIMA USA is an AMA chartered organization that focuses on supporting women motorcyclists (riders and passengers on 2 or 3-wheeled motorcycles and scooters) and to provide community for its members as well as WIMA members from around the world. As an inclusive organization that appreciates diversity in our membership, we include all riders who identify as female. We hope to support our members through education, networking, mentoring, social opportunities, sharing our heritage and attending international rallies.

For more information about WIMA USA visit our facebook-page.

International Rallies in USA: 2009 Keystone, Colorado, 1970 New York (20th Anniversary celebration)

Michele Lamphere — National President
Email: info {AT}
