Straand hotel in Vrådal hosts a bike meet, where everything motorcycle related is in focus!
Here, people in the motorcycle community, who are doing something exciting and interesting, get the opportunity to introduce themselves and their project.
WIMA Norway gave a talk and participated in the debate this year, as last year. This time also with our own tent. It was fantastic that so many people stopped by and new women found us and joined our group. Great to chat with WIMA girls from all over the country! Especially; great that the t-shirts got legs to walk on, WIMA's logo is on the move 🙂!
Straand hotell i Vrådal huser MC-folkets treff, hvor faglig innhold, prøvekjøring, hubriding o.l. er i fokus.
Her får personer innen MC-miljøet, som holder på med noe spennende og interessant, muligheten til å presentere seg og sitt.
WIMA holdt foredrag og deltok i debatten i år, som i fjor. Denne gangen også med eget telt. Fantastisk gøy at så mange var innom. Knallkjekt å få pratet med WIMA-jenter fra hele landet! Ikke minst; supert at t-skjortene fikk ben å gå på. Nå synes vi godt i terrenget, dere !
The WIMA stall – the t-shirts are popular, no doubt due to the cool brand new logo!
WIMA had an opportunity to formally talk and get their message across to the audience. WIMA Norway is offering a broad activity calendar covering track days, first aid, gravel training, mechanical training etc. And they have established riding groups all over the country. A key to success it seems as they have now exceeded 300 members, and more are signing up.
Not everyone stayed in the hotell, camping was also an option.
Time to leave, Eli and brand new meber Barbro is packing their bikes.