Ghana joined our community in January 2021. The national president is Cathie Lajide, known in the biking community as FIREFLY. She has been a rider since 2015 with an impressive track record. She is the first Ghanaian and Female Biker to receive the Nigerian’s Tough Tourer’s award and celebrated as the longest distance rider to both ROAD ROAR and CALABAR FESTIVAL.
Cathie is also the founder of the first all-female motorcycle club in Ghana, Blueflame MC, and together with the female bikers in Accra and support of the biking community in Ghana launched the Ghana Chapter of Female Bikers Initiative (FBi) a charitable initiative created for the awareness creation and screening of women for Breast and Cervical Cancer – first event took place in August 2019 where about 100 women were screened.
Ghana is the second country with the largest number of Female Bikers in West Africa and with WIMA’ s presence in Ghana, this is bound to encourage our neighboring countries to learn more about WIMA and hopefully, join the sisterhood.
The number of female bikers and enthusiasts are gradually on the rise and will greatly benefit from the network opportunity presented by WIMA and learn from our sisters across the world. WIMA national division in Ghana will also give Female Bikers in Ghana the platform to share our experiences.
Ghana is the 40th WIMA division.