Ellen Pfeiffer Award 2024.

Congratulations Pirjo Kivimäki, The Ellen Pfeiffer Award winner in 2024.

Pirjo is a former National President of WIMA Finland and International Historian; she joined WIMA in 1999.

Pirjo was nominated by WIMA Liechtenstein and selected by national presidents at their annual meeting, this year held in Australia and by Zoom. They all agreed that hers is the story of an enthusiastic lady rider, world traveller and WIMA member by heart, bringing in generous contributions for the WIMA Family and to spread the WIMA Spirit. WIMA Liechtenstein members say in their nomination that she truly deserves the honour of receiving this Award and therefore to be recorded in the list of those ladies who brought in outstanding efforts for women in motorcycling and in enhancing WIMA World! – and WIMA national presidents agreed with them.