28 April 2006
Dear National WIMA Presidents,
First of all my apologies for the silly joke I sent to you on April 1st. Most of you know April Fool’s Day, at which it is ‘allowed’ to make jokes with friends… I got some nice reactions ! Above all however, I hope you don’t mind the silly nomination of myself for the EP Award. There are much BETTER nominations !!! On to the REAL thing now !
- I have received three proper nominations for the Ellen Pfeiffer Award. You find them attached: please try and talk to your members and decide on who should receive the award this summer according to you.
- Thank you (almost) all for voting over e-mail on the I.C. articles and Duties of Officers. No less than 13 WIMA Divisions replied which is FANTASTIC ! You find the latest versions of both documents dated April 2006 with in all 3 little, but important changes. I am glad to announce the new International Constitution and Duties of Officers wonderful updated documents, ready to be voted on this summer. Please let me know if there is anything still wrong or if there is anything you cannot agree with?
- I would like to invite you to bring up items for our Agenda for this summer. Suvi and I made the provisional Agenda which you find attached too.
- One other item to vote on will definitely be on the Agenda: I will have been International President for three years and therefore my term is over this summer. I shall step down and anyone who would like to take the post up is free to step forward and be nominated. I will be re-electable for one more year, but since the work is costing quite a lot of time in this busy life of who-not, I would not mind to have someone else take over: feel free to react. And talk to your members about the office of International Presidency.
- In the meanwhile I am working on the production of a set of big flags and a few hundred of little flags with the WIMA logo. I hope I can manage to bring some this summer !! I still haven’t ordered…
- Finally there is the questionnaire from Suvi. Let’s hear from YOU !
Ride safe, I was in Holland mid April and enjoyed some proper, chilly, spring RIDING !
(this island I live on is very small, you see – 144 square km!). Now looking forward to the AMA conference in Atlanta, USA where I shall meet many women and try to promote WIMA !!!
C.U. soon and Ride Safe,
Rita Koopmanschap
International Presidente of WIMA